Our Partners

Our Partners

Need a CA? A corporate lawyer? A web guy? Benefits for your employees? Are you looking for a bank that supports small business and sees you as a real, live person, and is willing to work with you to help your business grow? We’re gathering a short list of our “go-to” people here, who we highly recommend and hope you’ll take the time to speak with. Need a referral for something else? Give us a call. Chances are there’s someone great in our professional network who we’d be happy to hook you up with!

Erik Kulakowsky, CA
Personal & Corporate Taxation / Business Advisory Services
Location: Glebe Area (Ottawa)

tel. (613) 897-1546

Viviane Ayala, CPA
Personal & Business Taxation / Taxpayer Relief Program
Location: Billings Bridge Area (Ottawa)

tel. (613) 731-1527

Ben McNeely, CPA, CA
Personal & Corporate Taxation / Audit Specialist
Location: Carleton Place

tel. (613) 257-5722

Ira Abrams, B. Comm., CA
Licensed Public Accountant
Location: Merivale & Hunt Club Area (Ottawa)

tel. (613) 224-6808